Welcome to my blog!!

Welp, here goes.....not sure how I'll do at this but I'll give it a whirl! Hope you enjoy. "Yearning to be Average" has to do with my desire & goal to just be an average size person.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

On Top of the World?!

Okay so maybe I'm not feeling that good...but I am feeling pretty great these days!  I've been super consistent with my eating.  Still logging everything into My Fitness Pal - that helps me a LOT! And I've tried to get some form of exercise every day.  I did miss a day over the weekend due to the holiday.  And I still am not getting to the gym every morning during the week like I used to -- 3:45am comes early!  I did go this morning however, and killed my legs/back workout!  I know the morning workouts will be easier with warmer weather.  I have still been walking a lot in the afternoons when possible to supplement and that is definitely helping. 

I've had 2 weigh-ins since I really started back with my plan and have lost weight at each weigh-in.  3 pounds at the first one, 2 pounds at the second one.  I probably won't weigh myself again until this Friday, so hoping for another 2 pounds.  As it stands right now, I have 14 to get back to where I want to be.  It's within reach!  At least in a couple months I hope?  Haha 

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