Welcome to my blog!!

Welp, here goes.....not sure how I'll do at this but I'll give it a whirl! Hope you enjoy. "Yearning to be Average" has to do with my desire & goal to just be an average size person.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dunh...dunh....dunhhhhh......(scary music)

Drumroll.......................So today was 'official' weigh-in day.  I was apprehensive going into it, had felt kind of bloated the past couple days and (not to give you TMI) but feeling PMS-y and just a little nervous overall.  After weigh-in this morning, I'm wondering why!  I lost 5 more pounds!!!  My total is now 48 pounds.....2 pounds away from my first goal and 2 pounds away from being a weight that I haven't been in at least 14 years!!  Woo-hooooooooooo!   I was so excited, I started laughing, then weighed myself again to be sure it wasn't a fluke.  Haha!

Talk about a great way to start the day....that's enough to give you motivation at the gym!  I headed off after that, walking into the gym on Cloud 9.  I wondered if my fellow gym-goers could tell I looked 5 pounds lighter....I checked out myself in window as I went past.   Heehee (just kidding!)  It does really give you a boost though, knowing you're heading in the right direction, you're doing something right! 

My weigh-in also gave me the confidence to try on a pair of pants I haven't worn in YEARS....they're my black cords from WalMart (ha!) that I had gotten years ago and haven't fit in them in quite a while.  I figured -- hey -- I'm 5 pounds lighter -- I can do anything!  I'm Super Woman!!  Haha!  So needless to say, today I sported some mighty fine black cords at work!  ::high five::

Okay now that I'm done celebrating.....we think we found our next 5k....there's one in Waterbury (city right next to our town) in April, I think on the 16th or so?  Anyway....it's only the 2nd one they've done so the cost is still minimal compared to a lot  of 5ks and it shouldn't be too crazy/crowded.  I think we'll do it!  I like the idea of signing up for and doing 5ks because it gives me the extra push besides just wanting/needing to lose weight; it gives me a concrete goal with a concrete date in mind.  The first 5k I ran, my goal was to run/jog the entire time and I did that....this time my goal will (obviously) be to run/jog the whole time again, but to improve my time.  I've got just under a month to continue training for this one.   We've added more interval training on the treadmill to my workouts and we think that was one of the keys to me losing 5 pounds this weigh-in.  We'll continue that along with a new weight workout that Jerry put together for me. 

Hopefully the New England weather will cooperate and we can get outside more often to run....we had snow yesterday.  :-/    BUT at least I know better weather IS coming, it might just take a little patience.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I am just so proud of you! It feels really good, doesn't it?
