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Welp, here goes.....not sure how I'll do at this but I'll give it a whirl! Hope you enjoy. "Yearning to be Average" has to do with my desire & goal to just be an average size person.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Things People Say....

People are funny!  Part of why I love my job is I get to interact with lots of people.....both Greek people and non-Greeks, older people & younger.  People fascinate me -- their personalities, quirks, backgrounds, everything!  I especially love hearing stories from the older Greek people at the Church I work about their youth, when they came over from Greece, etc.  They have some GREAT stories. 

I also love the kids at the Church, they're so welcoming and friendly, always saying, "Hi Carrie!" or "Hi Miss Carrie!"   One of my favorite kiddos is a little girl, Barbara....she is one of THE cutest kids I've ever seen, a little bit pudgy, dimples, she's adorable!!  A couple years ago she was in my office with her mom and she was looking at my pictures in my office.  I have an assortment of pics of my nieces & nephews, my husband, Isaiah, stepkids, etc.   So Barbara was asking me if I was married, if I had any kids, etc.  So I told her I had a little boy, but he wasn't so little anymore.  I showed her Isaiah's picture, and told her, "See?  That's MY baby!  That's Isaiah."   She looked at me quizzically and asked, "Why is he brown?"   Hahahahaha!!!  I busted out laughing while her mom wanted to crawl under the desk and hide.  I thought it was hilarious -- the innocence of a child!  And that's why I love kids.  lol

So where am I going with this?  Hold your horses!  Haha!  When you lose a significant amount of weight, people's reactions are funny.  Some people are just outright complimentary, saying, "You look great!"  Other people seem to not have noticed at all and others say, "Have you lost weight? You look different."  I had someone ask me that and I gladly told them yes!  She said she was almost afraid to ask, not wanting to hurt any feelings -- she worried that by asking, she was implying that I had weight to lose in the first place.  I think growing up with 2 brothers and working in the job I do, I've learned to not be offended so easily.  After all, I've been told I look like a 'sloppy Irish', I look 'like a crazy lady,' etc. at work (again, gotta love older people!)  Ha!  So anyway, I would never be offended by that because obviously, I did have weight to lose!  I didn't realize how much this was obvious until I looked at a picture of myself from 6 months ago.  Just a short time ago!  It's a picture of Jerry & me on my birthday, we were going out for dinner and took a picture.  I look so puffy!  lol  Comparing that to the pic of me from my first 5k, you can tell a huge difference already! 

The other night I was at work for an event and saw quite a few people I hadn't seen in a while. One of the women who has seen me periodially over the last few months knows I've been working at losing weight.  She's noticed the changes, etc.  So she asks me Thursday night, "Carrie....are you sure you didn't have lap band surgery?"   LOL!!  Laughing, I said, "Ummm yes I'm sure, if I did have it I would've told you, silly!"  People are so funny! Not that I never considered Lap Band, Jerry & I actually talked about it last year. I told him I didn't want to do it yet, I knew in my head and heart that if I put my mind to it and worked hard enough, I could do it on my own. She said it just all seemed so drastic, (the weight loss), in a short time I guess, in her thinking.  But truly, I've averaged 10 pounds a month which I don't think is too drastic, each weigh-in (just about every 2 weeks), has been 2-3 or 4 pounds.  So I think it's been a nice & steady weight loss, one that will help me sustain it once I've reached my goal weight.  

So yes, people are funny.  That's why I love working the job I do!  Now to figure out how to respond when this one older gentleman says, "you look like sexy lady."  Hahaha!

1 comment:

  1. My favorite comment? "You need to stop losing weight!" People would never think of telling someone they needed to stop GAINING weight, so why do they feel they can tell you when you've lost enough? I find it kind of irritating.
