Not much new to report here, I've been in a good routine of working out and eating well. I haven't weighed in again since the last time, I'm waiting until this Thursday (March 10th). That will be 2 weeks. I try not to weigh myself too often.
I've gone to Planet Fitness quite a bit during the week because of them being open 24-hours Monday through Friday. It's nice because I can get there by 4:30 or 4:40am and be done by 5:30 at the latest. That gives me the extra time to get ready for work & have Isaiah up. Most Saturdays lately I haven't been able to go to the gym because of Isaiah's early morning basketball games. I don't mind because I know my body needs a day or two to rest once in a while. I'll be able to go early tomorrow morning though. Once basketball ends I can probably start back on Saturdays. I love going on the weekends because I'm not as rushed, can have a long run and I usually throw some weights in there as well. I usually do pull-ups, dips, & abs after my runs. Last Sunday morning I ran for 60 minutes!
Food-wise I'm doing well, still no soda and I've been pretty consistent with my foods. It's funny, our cleaning guy at work (who used to be a real fitness buff back in the day, I'm talking bodybuilding competitions, etc.), asked me if I ever have cheat days. I told him not really too much, I usually just have a little treat like Pretzel M&M's (thanks Cheryl!) :) They're just enough of a chocolate fix and the fat-to-calorie ratio is not bad! I usually split a package with Isaiah so it doesn't add up to be too bad, plus I only have them maybe once every couple weeks or so? I consider that like a treat or a bit of a cheat.....also, we went to Sliders last weekend, it's a restaurant around here that's famous for their wings. I had wings and a salad. I know the wings weren't the greatest but that wasn't something we do too often.
The cleaning guy chuckled & said he didn't really consider those 'cheating', I guess he used to go to McDonald's one day a week and just pig out, eat whatever he wanted, and just fill up. I don't think I could do that, I'd be so paranoid about gaining weight back. I feel great right now and don't want to lose my momentum.
I've gotten SO much positive feedback from friends and family, it really encourages me. Here's hoping the weight keeps coming off at a steady pace!
Uh so, at 4:30am I'm usually rolling over for Sleep, Part II. Gracious girl! YOU GO!