Welcome to my blog!!

Welp, here goes.....not sure how I'll do at this but I'll give it a whirl! Hope you enjoy. "Yearning to be Average" has to do with my desire & goal to just be an average size person.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Quick update

I'm not going to weigh in this week, didn't realize last week when I posted that it was only a week away...I want to give myself more time and I'm pretty bloated and moody right now if you know what I mean.  ;)  So I'm going to weigh in next Thursday the 1st of September.

I did start my new weight training this week....we think my new pattern starting next week will be weights on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with running on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday.  (I really like being able to run on the weekends).  On my weights days I'll be doing arms one day, legs & back another day, and on the final day I'll do shoulders & chest.  Tomorrow I'll do shoulders & chest. 

I'm so thankful for Jerry, he's getting me all set up in my new routine - it's a whole new set of weight workouts, different machines, etc.  He's so helpful and he encourages me but also pushes and motivates me.  He is a HUGE asset for me to have on my side. 

Will keep you posted!

1 comment:

  1. It is SO hard to be motivated when you are bloated and moody. Glad you're taking advice from your hubby, though! I know what I am like, and poor Nick. :)
