Welcome to my blog!!

Welp, here goes.....not sure how I'll do at this but I'll give it a whirl! Hope you enjoy. "Yearning to be Average" has to do with my desire & goal to just be an average size person.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Weigh-In, Wear & Tear

So I won't keep you "weight"ing (haha -- really bad joke)...... I did have weigh-in this morning and (drumroll..........)  I lost 3 more pounds!  61 altogether and I'm into a new 'decade' of numbers.  lol Woo-hoo!!! 

Workouts have been pretty consistent, I'm still doing cardio 2 days, weights 1 day, cardio 2 days, and so on.  It's working well.  Weights were not my favorite thing in the beginning, mostly because I felt like I should be doing cardio every chance I got, to keep losing weight.  I know logically in my head that weight training also burns calories and helps tone, but it's that psychological feeling of having lots of sweat from a good run and feeling like you've accomplished something.  I'm feeling better though now after doing weights, knowing I'm toning and seeing results.  Usually every week I'm moving up a bit in weights and I am seeing the results so that's a good thing!

After working out consistently for a long time (well 7 months straight), it has taken a toll on my body.  Not in a bad way but I do have little bumps & bruises and issues.  Haha!  Right now I have a black & blue toenail, a couple bruises on my legs and the best one -- a little rash on the inside crease of my elbows!  Yuck!  lol  I think it's from the sweat that builds up there while I run (I told you I'm a sweating fool!)  Of course I shower after my runs but it is a small rash.  I put athlete's foot cream on it last night (Jerry's recommendation) and it seemed to help already.  My feet are a hot mess.....I desperately need a pedicure but I'm almost embarrassed to go get it, I almost feel like I need a pedicure before my pedicure!  Haha!  Like I said, I have a black & blue tonail and it's sore so I'd rather wait until that is resolved before going for my pedicure.  All that being said, these are 'bumps and bruises' that I don't mind...they're almost like battle scars, I'm proud of them because they are a result of my hard work! 

Food-wise I'm doing well, except I decided that I can't buy the chocolate covered pomegranates for a while.  Haha  I did well with portioning them out in a little snack bag to take to work....only problem was, when I got home I'd also have a handful here, a handful there, which is no good.  So for me, it's easier to just not have them here for a while!   Other than that I'm doing well, taking good snacks to work, watching my portions and making good choices. 

Next weigh-in is June 30th! 


  1. You need to get some Desitin for that arm. I'm telling you...it's a Cure-All!

  2. I use Aquaphor, and LOVE it. I lather it on anywhere where I sweat often. When I run, it goes under my arms and between my thighs. Gotta love the bits that rub together. :)

    After the marathon, my feet were a disaster. They still are, actually. I am also embarrassed to go get a pedicure. When my black toenail finally fell off, I felt like it was a badge of honor!

  3. Thank you for sharing about your feet and rash.
